Complete an Student Application form for each child you want to enroll and return it to the school office as soon as possible. You can apply
ONLINE, or you can download the forms and complete them manually, by clicking
HERE. Alternatively, the forms can be collected from the school office.
The Academy will contact you to schedule a parent/child interview. At least one parent (preferably both) must be present at the interview. This interview will consist of reviewing the Student Application and acquainting parent and child of our school policies. As needed, this time will also be used to test the potential student to determine the appropriate educational level. It is also a good time to familiarise you with our philosophy of discipline and classroom expectations.
You will be informed of your child’s acceptance in our school by phone or during the interview. Upon notification of acceptance, please submit the following to assure your child a place in our school:
A. First months' school fees and the Registration Fee must be paid within two weeks of acceptance.
B. Signed copies of the Student Application Form (if not submitted online).
C. A copy of the Birth Certificate.
D. A current Immunization Certificate.
E. The last report card (if transferring from another school)
F. Copies of the parent/s ID document/s