After living in South Africa as a church planting missionary for only a short period of time, we began to see the desperate need for quality education. We minister in the townships of South Africa.

These areas are saturated with young people who are being left behind both socially and academically.

Only 10-12% of the children attending schools in these townships are expected to graduate from high school. Without a strong education, these children will be very limited.

There is one young man in particular, whose story left a lasting impression on my heart. I was introduced to Babalo when his mom started bringing him to our church after their family had been saved through a soup kitchen ministry. He was 6 years old at the time and was very sharp and attentive during Sunday School classes.

A few years after joining our church, his family moved to a different area of town, where there was no available school. Money was too tight in their family to afford transportation elsewhere. Even if money was available, many schools in South Africa are filled to capacity with overworked teachers, little to no books and materials, and a very meager curriculum.

This is when the Lord began to work in my heart about the idea of a Christian school. My desire has always been to start churches and train national leaders to take over those churches. I believe this process could be expedited if we had a place where Christian, young boys and girls could be educated at an early age, not only in basic academics, but most importantly, receive a solid Biblical foundation.

Our prayer is that these young men and women will not merely graduate with a diploma, but that they will go on to serve and have an impact in their communities and most importantly serve the Lord in their local church. We are happy to introduce you to Bay Baptist Academy.

We are dedicated to the purpose of training young people for Christian leadership and to be productive individuals in society for the glory of God.

Our Plan: - To see Christian young people conformed to the image of Christ

- To provide the best academic training with a Christian Worldview

- To achieve mastery in the tools of learning, communication, and service

- To prepare children spiritually by instilling in them a personal responsibility to their Creator

In His Service,

Jeremy Hall

Bay Baptist Academy Owners


BBA is an affiliate of the Baptist Fellowship for World Evangelism (BFWE), a group of like-minded churches who have joined together for the work of evangelizing the world in our generation.

The purpose of the BFWE is to promote fellowship between Bible-believing Baptist Churches of like faith and order.

Our mission is to strengthen leadership, to spread the Gospel, and advance the cause of Christ through mutual efforts in Christian education and missions both at home and throughout the world.

We strive to maintain a pure testimony to Jesus Christ - separated from the world but salt in the world. We seek to accomplish this by holding weekly pastors’ meetings; developing and translating materials; holding conferences for ladies, men, and children; and through ministries including but not limited to a Christian School, a Bible College for further training of full-time Christian workers (Bay Baptist Training Centre/Bible College), and camp ministry.

Affiliated churches and ministries in Port Elizabeth, South Africa:

Bayland Baptist Church

  Grace Baptist Church

Kuyga Baptist Church

Lighthouse Baptist Church

Madiba Bay Baptist Church

New Life Baptist Church

Nkandla Baptist Church

Soweto Baptist Church

Vision Baptist Church

Bay Baptist Training Centre

Camp Rhino